Juliana Hudson

Family Reconnection Case Manager

Juliana has been through many incarnations at SPY. From operations to volunteer management to drop-in support to researcher, she now serves as SPY's Reconnection Case Manager: helping youth rebuild their support systems. Juliana comes from a background of student organizing and substance-abuse treatment and has a passion for social justice for marginalized folks. Juliana fell in love with SPY the moment she walked through the doors and was overcome with emotion seeing the incredible work it does. She knew that it was the place for her. With a desire to support youth experiencing homelessness, Juliana pursued a Master of Social Work degree with the hope to become a clinician that incorporates mindfulness, expression, and authenticity as the catalyst for healing. Juliana is so grateful to be part of an empowered SPY staff and privy to the strong spirits of youth experiencing homelessness.