Case Management
Safe Place for Youth believes that all young people have potential for personal growth. For unhoused youth to exit the streets, achieve personal changes and improve their future prospects, they need ready access to respectful, harm reduction and trauma informed individualized support. Working from a holistic, relationship-based approach and building on a young person’s strengths, case management plays a key role in the continuum of care to meet the physical, psychosocial and support needs of our vulnerable youth.
Our team of case managers works with youth to develop individualized plans that address short and long-term goals towards stability. This includes connections to available housing, applying for identification documents and/or health benefits, receiving parent and prenatal care, family reunification, and connections to drug rehabilitation, mental health services, and employment support.
- Housing support
SPY's Case Management team works with each individual to determine the best type of available housing to fit their short-term and long-term needs. This includes emergency shelter, bridge housing, host homes, and permanent supportive housing (section 8 housing, housing for former foster youth, housing for health, and rapid rehousing)
Funded through City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County, the Rapid Re-housing program provides move-in assistance and short-term rental subsidies for youth who have relatively few barriers to self-sufficiency.
- Pregnant and Parenting
Safe Place for Youth has a case manager dedicated to working with the youth who are pregnant, parenting, preparing to be a parent, or want to take preventative steps. The Pregnant and Parenting program provides, in addition to case management, support with benefits, maternity clothes, baby clothes and supplies, training workshops, and special classes.
- Family Reunification
The Family Reunification program is a part of our Case Management services, providing an opportunity for youth experiencing homelessness, ages 18-25, to return home to a safe, supportive environment. Our Case Management team works one-on-one with individual youth and their families to establish safe and appropriate reunification by counseling the young person and their family to address the problems that caused them to leave home. The goal of this strengths-based approach is to improve the youth’s home-life situation so they can return to a supportive environment. Once the reconnection has been made, we determine a course of action, including travel logistics, resources within the community they are returning to, and a follow-up plan once the young person is reunified with their family or supportive adult.